26 Aug

According to astrology, your Pitru Dosha in your horoscope is due to the influence of Rahu. Due to this a person has to face many difficulties and problems in his life. This flaw definitely reduces your lucky results. According to Hinduism, Pitru Dosha is when a person is born into this universe, he is the Debt of his ancestors. When your baby is born, some Debt calm down. At such times, if a person ignores his elders and does not show them due respect, he has to suffer their curse. This curse is found in your child and in every generation to come and it is nothing but called Pitru Dosha. Know its causes and effects in your horoscope according to astrology
If a particular type of yoga forms in your birth chart, then the position of the planets shows its effects. If the yoga of these planets forms together, it gives very impressive results. If the effect of Rahu in the horoscope is with this planet of Sun and Saturn, then a very bad dosha is created in this situation, which is known as Pitru dosha. 

This dosha affects the life of the person very badly and the person has to face challenges in his life. The main reason behind the formation of this dosha is the specific combination of planets. It helps to understand the position of Rahu in the horoscope and its location.

When Rahu and Sun combine, it is considered very inauspicious and is called Pitru Dosha and if these two are in 5th and 9th house in kundli then surely it creates pitru dosha. According to astrology, Sun is the agent of soul and father. In this condition, its very evil influence is seen on the person. If Pitru Dosha is lingering in the horoscope of these parents or children, definitely consult astrological advice to remove it. The ninth house in a horoscope is considered to be the house of father. Influence of teachers, father and ancestors is seen in it. When Rahu is formed in this house, pitru dosha is seen to be formed. Moon is considered to be of mother, so when it joins Rahu in birth chart Moon is afflicted by Rahu in Kundli,Due to that also the condition of pitru dosha is seen.

This dosha affects your life very badly. With its help, a person's life becomes very difficult and he also has to face obstacles and difficulties in life. This dosha also affects your married life, delay in your marriage, not finding a suitable partner, problems in marriage etc. Pitru dosha is also present in your horoscope and it shows bad effects on your life. So surely consulting Maa Ambe Astrologer in Astrologer in Ahmedabad to remove it proves to be very beneficial. Their contact details are as follows

M - +91 9727079981

E - rakeshmaharaj82@gmail.com

W - https://www.maaambeastrologer.com

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